Friday, April 22, 2011

Today is an important day in our household.  First things first, it's Good Friday.  I was raised Lutheran and quit going to church after high school.  As I had my children I felt the need to go back to church but was embarrassed about being away for so long.  We had our daughter baptized and then quit going.  The birth of our son found us talking about going back to church....again.  Our minister had retired and our church has an interim minister.  He's an older gentleman, but is forward thinking and he WORKS to make you feel welcomed to return. My husband has very little experience with any church so it's all new for him.  I'm thankful to God that His Word is a part of our lives!  I'm thankful to our congregation for their warm welcome and look forward to Sunday morning when our son will be baptized!!

Earth Day has found a lot of meaning with me as my family has grown from two to four.  We started our recycling system in January 2010 after seeing a successful  set up at our babysitter's home.  The goal is to drop our recycling off once a week, but it really happens every two weeks.  As summer with it's heat and humidity approach it WILL be once a week or possibly twice.  Our biggest Earth saving change for 2011 is cloth diapering!!  I wish I would have done it with our daughter, but wasn't educated about the wonders of modern cloth diapers!!  We proudly use cloth for our son full time and the big sister wears one to bed every night!!  It's extra laundry twice a week, but it helps the environment and will save us a ton of money over the next couple of years!!  

Welcome to the ramblings of me, The Hoosier Housewife!  Have a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend!


  1. I like trying to be earth friendly. Have you ever composted? I want to give that a try but it seems complicated...without buying an expensive composter that does the work for you. Using cloth diapers is a huge help to the environment. I thought about it but gave up. My mom cloth diapered all of us.

  2. Composting isn't as hard as you think! I've have an area outside I use, but have read articles on using 2 rubbermaid tubs so that it can be easily moved around for convenience. You might Google it, as it was a super easy method and very inexpensive! Good luck :)
