I've been slacking in the Housewife department. I'm determined to snap out of my funk and get my house in order! I need to make lists in order to get things done. Otherwise, I get overwhelmed or preoccupied with playing or daily chores and neglect other areas of the house.
Here's my list for the day:
- Go to my wonderful friend's house to pick up an outdoor swing for the baby!
- Meet Mom at Grandpa's to help clean his house.
- Put down borax in the garage to take care of the ants.
- Clean/Reorganize kitchen
- Inventory said kitchen
- Plan Menu for the month
- Write grocery list
I'm going to be realistic and call it a victory if I get 5 of 7 things done on the list! I'm also going to try like hell to do this every day! I think it will help me see where I can improve! Have a wonderful day!